

Validation of OSM pbf files.

pyosmium requires handler classes that inherit from their API. The methods of these handlers must be named node, way, relation or area. Exposing these methods would be of limited utility, therefore internal handler classes are used to collect and process the feature information.

A separate group of classes are then defined, inheriting from these internal handlers. These API classes are used to apply the logic of the handler classes to an osm.pbf file. The API classes also define methods associated with the user requirements, eg ‘find way Ids’, ‘find the coordinates for this list of node IDs’ or similar.

The API classes expose logic that enables users to: * Count all features in a pbf file by type (node, way, relation or area) * Return IDs of the above feature types * Extract tags for the above features * Find coordinates for node or way features * Plot the coordinates of a given list of node or way IDs


Name Description
FindIds Apply ID collation to an OSM file.
FindLocations Applies location collation to OSM file.
FindTags Applies tag collation to OSM file.
PerformanceWarning Operation may be slow.


osm.validate_osm.FindIds(self, osm_pth, id_collator=_IdHandler)

Apply ID collation to an OSM file.

Count or return available feature IDs in an OSM file.


Name Type Description Default
osm_pth Union[Path, str] Path to osm file. required
id_collator _IdHandler FindIds applies the logic from id_collator to a pbf file on init, storing the collated IDs in their appropriate attributes - __node_ids, __way_ids, __relations_ids and __area_ids. Defaults to _IdHandler. _IdHandler


Type Description
TypeError : osm_pth is not of type pathlib.Path or str.
FileNotFoundError : osm_pth file not found on disk.
ValueError : osm_pth does not have a .pbf extension.
TypeError : id_collator is not an instance of _IdHandler.


Name Type Description
counts dict Counts of feature IDs by feature type.
id_dict dict IDs of all found features by feature type.
__node_ids list Internal attribute contains list of all node IDs contained in pbf file.
__way_ids list Internal attribute contains list of all way IDs contained in pbf file.
__relations_ids list Internal attribute contains list of all relation IDs contained in pbf file.
__area_ids list Internal attribute contains list of all area IDs contained in pbf file.


Name Description
count_features Count numbers of each available feature type.
get_feature_ids Get a list of all available IDs in a pbf file for each feature type.


Count numbers of each available feature type.

Type Description
dict Counts of node, way, relation & area IDs in a pbf file.


Get a list of all available IDs in a pbf file for each feature type.

Type Description
dict Available IDs for nodes, ways, relations and areas.


osm.validate_osm.FindLocations(self, osm_pth, loc_collator=_LocHandler)

Applies location collation to OSM file.


Name Type Description Default
osm_pth Union[Path, str] Path to osm file. required
loc_collator _LocHandler FindLocations applies the logic from loc_collator to a pbf file on init, storing the collated locations in __node_locs or __way_node_locs attributes. Defaults to _LocHandler. _LocHandler


Type Description
TypeError : osm_pth is not of type pathlib.Path or str.
FileNotFoundError : osm_pth file not found on disk.
ValueError : osm_pth does not have a .pbf extension.
TypeError : loc_collator is not an instance of _LocHandler.


Name Type Description
found_locs dict Found locations for specified feature IDs.
__node_locs dict Locations of nodes.
__way_node_locs dict Locations of nodes that belong to a way.
_osm_pth Union[Path, str] Path to osm file on disk. Used for method plot_ids() when include_tags is True.


Name Description
check_locs_for_ids Return coordinates for provided list of feature IDs.
plot_ids Plot coordinates for nodes or node members of a way.

osm.validate_osm.FindLocations.check_locs_for_ids(ids, feature_type)

Return coordinates for provided list of feature IDs.

Name Type Description Default
ids list A list of OSM feature IDs to check. IDs must be integer. required
feature_type str The type of feature to which the IDS belong. Valid options are “node” or “way”. required
Type Description
dict ID : dict of tags, containing ID : location.
Type Description
NotImplementedError : Relation location data could be extracted with a bit more munging. Please raise a feature request if you feel this is significant.

osm.validate_osm.FindLocations.plot_ids(ids, feature_type, crs='epsg:4326', include_tags=False, tooltip_nm='custom_tooltip', tooltip_kwds={'labels': False}, tiles='CartoDB positron', style_kwds={'color': '#3f5277', 'fill': True, 'fillOpacity': 0.3, 'fillColor': '#3f5277', 'weight': 4})

Plot coordinates for nodes or node members of a way.

Provided with a list of node or way IDs, converts the coordinate data from dictionary to GeoDataFrame and uses the basic gdf.explore() method to visualise the features on a basemap.

Name Type Description Default
ids list A list of Node or Way IDs. required
feature_type str Whether the type of OSM feature to plot is node or way. required
crs Union[str, int] The projection of the spatial features, by default “epsg:4326” 'epsg:4326'
include_tags bool Should tag metadata be included in the map tooltips, by default False False
tooltip_nm str Name to use for tooltip column in coord_gdf attribute, by default “custom_tooltip” 'custom_tooltip'
tooltip_kwds dict Additional tooltip styling arguments to pass to gpd explore(), by default {“labels”: False} {'labels': False}
tiles Union[str, xyzservices.TileProvider] Basemap provider tiles to use, by default “CartoDB positron” 'CartoDB positron'
style_kwds dict Additional map styling arguments to pass to gpd explore(), by default { “color”: “#3f5277”, “fill”: True, “fillOpacity”: 0.3, “fillColor”: “#3f5277”, “weight”: 4, } {'color': '#3f5277', 'fill': True, 'fillOpacity': 0.3, 'fillColor': '#3f5277', 'weight': 4}
Type Description
folium.Map A plot of the coordinate data for each identifiable node.
Type Description
NotImplementedError : Relation location data could be extracted with a bit more munging. Please raise a feature request if you feel this is significant.
ValueError : feature_type is not one of “node”, “way”, “relation” or “area”.
TypeError : ids is not of type list. feature_type is not of type str.


osm.validate_osm.FindTags(self, osm_pth, tag_collator=_TagHandler)

Applies tag collation to OSM file.


Name Type Description Default
osm_pth Union[Path, str] Path to osm file. required
tag_collator _TagHandler FindTags applies the logic from tag_collator to a pbf file on init, storing the collated tags in a found_tags attribute. Defaults to _TagHandler. _TagHandler


Type Description
TypeError : osm_pth is not of type pathlib.Path or str.
FileNotFoundError : osm_pth file not found on disk.
ValueError : osm_pth does not have a .pbf extension.
TypeError : tag_collator is not an instance of _TagHandler.


Name Type Description
found_tags dict Found tags for specified feature IDs.
__node_tags dict Tags found for OSM node features.
__way_tags dict Tags found for OSM way features.
__relation_tags dict Tags found for OSM relation features.
__area_tags dict Tags found for OSM area features.
__LARGE_FILE_THRESH int Size threshold in bytes on which to raise a PerformanceWarning when osm file on disk exceeds.


Name Description
check_tags_for_ids Return tags for provided list of feature IDs.

osm.validate_osm.FindTags.check_tags_for_ids(ids, feature_type)

Return tags for provided list of feature IDs.

Name Type Description Default
ids list A list of OSM feature IDs to check. IDs must be integer. required
feature_type str The type of feature to which the IDS belong. Valid options are “node”, “way”, “relation”, or “area”. required
Type Description
dict Dictionary of tag IDs and their tag data in ID : {name:value} format.



Operation may be slow.