API reference
Modules for detecting urban centres.
A class for detecting urban centres using rastered population estimates.
UrbanCentre | Object to create and store urban centres. |
Modules for preprocessing population data.
A class for preprocessing rastered population estimates.
RasterPop | Prepare raster population inputs for transport analysis. |
Modules for working with GTFS public transit schedule files.
calendar | Cleaners & utilities specific to the calendar table. |
cleaners | A set of functions that clean the gtfs data. |
gtfs_utils | Utility functions for GTFS archives. |
multi_validation | Validating multiple GTFS at once. |
routes | Helpers for working with routes.txt. |
validation | Validating GTFS data. |
validators | A set of functions that validate the GTFS data. |
Modules for OpenStreetMap utilities, such are cropping .pbf files to a bounding box.
osm_utils | Utility functions for OSM files. |
validate_osm | Validation of OSM pbf files. |
A class wrapping r5py network routing to calculate travel times between all origin/destination cells.
AnalyseNetwork | Class to calculate transport network using r5py. |
Functions for calculating transport metrics, such as transport performance.
metrics | Metrics to assess the performance of transport networks. |
Modules to handle common package utility functions.
defence | Defensive check utility funcs. Internals only. |
io | Helper functions to handle IO operations. |
raster | Utility functions to handle merging and resampling of raster data. |