
urban_centres.raster_uc.UrbanCentre(self, path, exp_ext=['.tif', '.tiff', '.tff'])

Object to create and store urban centres.


Name Type Description Default
path Union[str, pathlib.Path] Path to the raw raster file required
exp_ext list List of acceptable raster file extensions, defaults to [“.tif”, “.tiff”, “.tff”]. ['.tif', '.tiff', '.tff']


Name Type Description
file Union[str, pathlib.Path] Path to the raw raster file.
aff affine.Affine Affine transform matrix for the raster file.
crs rasterio.crs.CRS CRS string for the raster.
output gpd.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame including vector information for the urban centre, buffer and bounding box limits.


Type Description
TypeError When file is not either of string or pathlib.Path.
FileNotFoundError When file does not exist on disk.
ValueError When file does not have the expected file extension(s).


Intermediate results for the urban centre calculations are stored as internal (mangled) attributes, but can be accessed for examination.


Name Description
get_urban_centre Get urban centre.


urban_centres.raster_uc.UrbanCentre.get_urban_centre(bbox, centre, centre_crs=None, band_n=1, cell_pop_threshold=1500, diag=False, cluster_pop_threshold=50000, cell_fill_threshold=5, vector_nodata=-200, buffer_size=10000, buffer_estimation_crs='EPSG:27700')

Get urban centre.

Wrapper for functions to get urban centre, buffer and bbox.


Name Type Description Default
bbox gpd.GeoDataFrame A GeoPandas GeoDataFrame containing boundaries to filter the raster. If the boundaries are a bounding box, the raster is clipped to the box. If it is an irregular shape (e.g. LA boundaries) the raster is clipped to the extent of the shape, and a mask is applied to the shape. required
centre tuple Tuple with coordinates for city centre. Urban centres that do not contain these coordinates will be filtered out. required
centre_crs str crs string of the centre coordinates. If None, it will default to raster_crs. None
band_n int Band number to load from the geoTIFF. 1
cell_pop_threshold int When calculating urban centre, keep cells whose value is equal or higher than the threshold. 1500
diag bool When calculating clusters, if True, diagonals are considered as adjacent and included in the cluster. False
cluster_pop_threshold int Threshold to consider inclusion of cluster. If total population in cluster is lower than threshold, the cluster label is filtered out. 50000
cell_fill_threshold int Defines gap filling behaviour. If the number of cells adjacent to any empty cell belonging to a cluster is higher than the threshold, the cell is filled with the cluster value. Needs to be between 5 and 8. 5
vector_nodata int Value to fill empty cells. Select a negative value that you would not expect to encounter within the raster population data. -200
buffer_size int Size of the buffer around the urban centre, in the distance units of the centre_crs. Defaults to 10,000 metres. 10000
buffer_estimation_crs string CRS to use when calculating the buffer. Recommend using an appropriate CRS for measuring distances. Default is “EPSG:27700”, suitable for UK urban centres. See Notes for more details. 'EPSG:27700'


Type Description
gpd.GeoDataFrame GeoDataFrame with urban centre, buffer and bbox vector polygon boundaries.


Buffer estimation: To detemine a buffer around the urban centre an appropriate CRS is needed to ensure distances are preserved. The CRSs adopted for raster data typically preserve area (e.g., Mollweide/ ESRI:54009 is an equal area projection). The solution to this problem would be to provide an appropriate CRS to use when estimating the buffer geometry, such as those used for topographic mapping and engineering surveying of specific countries. To date, the following CRS have been utilised for their respective countries when estimating buffers around urban centres:

Country CRS
UK EPSG:27700
France EPSG:2154