Software Prerequisites

  • R and your GUI of choice, such as RStudio, OR
  • Docker

Data prerequisites

All location data (origin and destination) must be in comma separated (CSV) format and contain the following columns:

  • A unique ID column
  • A latitude column, where data is in decimal degrees (or a postcode column)
  • A longitude column, where data is in decimal degrees (or a postcode column)

The CSV file must contain headers, the header names can be specified in importLocationData().

Using RStudio

As with any R package, it can be loaded in an R session using:


Using Docker

Alternatively. If you have installed propeR using Docker you can use Docker to run propeR. Put source and destination .csv data in a directory, e.g., /tmp/data/. Example data files origin.csv and destination.csv can be found in propeR/inst/extdata/, then:

docker run -v /tmp/data:/mnt datasciencecampus/dsc_proper:1.0 '"XXX.XXX.X.X", fun="pointToPoint", src_file="/mnt/origin.csv", dst_file="/mnt/destination.csv", output.dir="/mnt", startDateAndTime="2019-08-02 12:00:00"'

where is your inet address, which can be found using:

/sbin/ifconfig |grep inet |awk '{print $2}'

Output data will be in tmp/data/.

propeR functions

propeR has the following functions:

Function Description
importLocationData Used to generate a dataframe from a CSV file containing origin or destination information.
postcodeToDecimalDegrees Used in importLocationData() to convert postcodes to decimal degrees latitude and longitude via API calls (needs internet access).
cleanGTFS Used to clean GTFS ZIP folder before OTP graph building.
isochrone Generates a polygon (isochrone) around a single origin to calculate journey times to multiple destinations, can output a PNG map, HTML map, and .GeoJSON polygon file.
isochroneTime Same as isochrone(), but between a start and end time/date. Output can be an animated GIF image.
isochroneMulti Same as isochrone(), but for multiple origins. A polygon is created for each origin.
locationValidator Used to check the validity of location points by trying to create a small isochrone around the location. FIxes the nearest routable point if there is an error.
otpConnect A core function used to connect to OTP either locally or remotely (i.e. the URL of the generated and hosted OTP graph).
otpIsochrone A core function used to produce an API call to OTP to be used with the propeR isochrone functions.
otpTripDistance A core function used to produce an API call to OTP to find trip distance.
otpTripTime A core function used to produce an API call to OTP to find trip time.
pointToPoint Calculates the journey details between a single origin and destination, can output a PNG map and HTML map.
pointToPointLoop Calculates the journey details between multiple origins and destinations.
pointToPointNearest Calculates the journey details between the nearest (k = 1) destination to each origin using a KNN approach. Can also calculate the second (k = 2), third (k = 3) naearest, and so forth.
pointToPointTime Same as pointToPoint(), but between a start and end time/date. Output can be an animated GIF image.

Use ? in R to view the function help files for more information, e.g., ?isochrone. Below we will run through each function using the RStudio method, but the help files will help you understand all the parameters that can be changed in each function.


Q: How accurate is the cost calculation in the point to point functions?

A: The tool currently cannot ingest fare information. Therefore costEstimate can be used in the point to point functions. This provides an estimate based on the values given in the parameters busTicketPrice, busTicketPriceMax, trainTicketPriceKm and trainTicketPriceMin.

Q: How to I stop propeR printing to the R console:

A: All functions have a parameter called infoPrint. This by default is set to T, please set to F if you want to prevent console printing.

Q: I found a bug!

A: Please use the GitHub issues form to provide us with the information (here)

Common errors

Q: Why am I receiving the following error when running propeR?

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
  Failed to connect to localhost port 8080: Connection refused
Called from: curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle)

A: The OTP server has not been initiated. Please see graphtie of this guide.

Q: Why am I receiving the following error when running propeR?

Error in paste0(otpcon, "/plan") : object 'otpcon' not found

A: The OTP connection has not been established. Please see graphtie of this guide.



The Open Government Licence (OGL) Version 3

Copyright (c) 2018 Office of National Statistics

This source code is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 4DU.

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