Source code for synthgauge.metrics.propensity

"""Propensity-based utility metrics."""

import warnings
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.special
from scipy.stats import ks_2samp
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier

from ..utils import df_combine

def _combine_encode_and_pop(real, synth):
    """Get the combined, encoded real and synthetic data, and their

    real : pandas.DataFrame
        Dataframe containing the real data.
    synth : pandas.DataFrame
        Dataframe containing the synthetic data.

    combined : pandas.DataFrame
        The combined data with categorical columns one-hot encoded.
    indicator : numpy.ndarray
        An indicator for whether the data is real (0) or synthetic (1).

    combined = df_combine(real, synth, source_val_real=0, source_val_synth=1)
    combined = pd.get_dummies(combined, drop_first=True)
    indicator = combined.pop("source").values

    return combined, indicator

def _get_propensity_scores(data, labels, method, **kwargs):
    """Fit a propensity model to the data and extract its scores.

    data : pandas.DataFrame
        Dataframe to fit propensity model to.
    labels : numpy.ndarray
        Indicator for which data are real (0) or synthetic (1).
    method : {"cart", "logr"}
        Which propensity model to use.
    **kwargs : dict, optional
        Keyword arguments passed to propensity model.

    scores : numpy.ndarray
        Propensity score for each point in `data`.

    if method == "logr":
        model = LogisticRegression
        data = PolynomialFeatures(
            2, interaction_only=True, include_bias=False

    if method == "cart":
        model = DecisionTreeClassifier

    scores = model(**kwargs).fit(data, labels).predict_proba(data)[:, 1]

    return scores

[docs]def pmse(combined, indicator, method, **kwargs): """Calculate the propensity score mean-squared error (pMSE). Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame The combined set of real and synthetic data. indicator : numpy.ndarray An indicator for which data are real (0) or synthetic (1). method : {"cart", "logr"} Which propensity model to use. Must be either CART (`"cart"`) or logistic regression with first-order interactions (`"logr"`). **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to propensity model. Returns ------- float Propensity score mean-squared error. See Also -------- sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier Notes ----- Propensity scores represent probabilities of group membership. By modelling whether an example is synthetic or not, we can use propensity scores as a measure of utility. This returns zero if the distributions are identical, and is bounded above by :math:`1 - c` if they are nothing alike, where :math:`c` is the proportion of the data that is synthetic. This method is therefore good for comparing multiple synthetic datasets. However, as this is not a test, there is no threshold distance below which we can claim the distributions are statistically the same. This function assumes that some preprocessing has been carried out so that the data is ready to be passed to the classification function. Encoding of categorical data is performed, but, for example, scaling is not. Without this, erroneous results may be returned. The logistic regression can fail to converge if many variables are considered. Anecdotally, this doesn't seem to drastically impact the propensity scores, although this should be investigated formally. Using a CART model as a classifier is recommended in the literature however we also support the use of logistic regression. For further details, see: """ scores = _get_propensity_scores(combined, indicator, method, **kwargs) ideal = indicator.mean() return np.mean(np.square(scores - ideal))
def _pmse_logr_statistics(combined, indicator): """Calculate the location and scale of pMSE in the null case where the real and synthetic datasets are formed from identical processes. Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the combined real and synthetic data. indicator : numpy.ndarray Indicator for whether data are real (0) or synthetic (1). Returns ------- loc : float Expectation of pMSE in the null case. scale : float Standard deviation of pMSE in the null case. Notes ----- It has been shown that the null case is distributed as a multiple of a :math:`\\chi^2` distribution with :math:`k-1` degrees of freedom. Therefore, its expectation is: .. math:: E(pMSE) = \\frac{(k - 1)(1 - c)^2}{N} and its standard deviation is: .. math:: sd(pMSE) = \\frac{c \\sqrt{2(k - 1)} (1 - c)^2}{N} where :math:`k` is the number of predictors used in the model, :math:`c` is the proportion of synthetic data, and :math:`N` is the total number of data points. Here, all features and first-order interactions are used in the model. Let :math:`m` be the number of features, then: .. math:: k = m + \\binom{m}{2} Further explanation and derivation of these results can be found at: """ num_rows, num_cols = combined.shape num_predictors = num_cols + scipy.special.binom(num_cols, 2) prop_synth = indicator.mean() loc = (num_predictors - 1) * (1 - prop_synth) ** 2 / num_rows scale = ( prop_synth * np.sqrt(2 * (num_predictors - 1)) * (1 - prop_synth) ** 2 / num_rows ) return loc, scale def _pmse_cart_stats_boot(combined, indicator, trials, **kwargs): """Null statistic estimation for CART propensity via bootstrapping. Estimate the location and scale of pMSE in the null case by taking several bootstrapped samples of the real data, each being twice the length of the original data. Half of the data are listed as real while the other half are synthetic. These labelled data are then run through the usual CART pMSE calculation procedure to produce a set. The set of pMSE values are then summarised to give the estimated mean and standard deviation. Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the stacked real and synthetic data. trials : int Number of samples to take in the estimate. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier`. Returns ------- loc : float Estimated expectation of pMSE in the null case. scale : float Estimated standard deviation of pMSE in the null case. Notes ----- This estimation method removes any dependency on the synthetic data being assessed, improving on the permutation-based method set out in A description of this method and its justification are presented in This implementation is adapted from the source code submitted with the aforementioned paper: Note that the `random_state` keyword argument is used to (independently) bootstrap samples and to fit the CART model. Without specifying this, the results will not be reproducible. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(kwargs.get("random_state", None)) original = combined[indicator == 0] rows = len(original) pmses = [] for perm in range(trials): sampled = original.iloc[rng.integers(rows, size=2 * rows), :] indicator = np.repeat([0, 1], rows) pmses.append(pmse(sampled, indicator, method="cart", **kwargs)) return np.mean(pmses), np.std(pmses) def _pmse_cart_stats_perm(combined, indicator, num_perms, **kwargs): """Null statistic estimation for CART propensity via permutations. Estimate the location and scale of pMSE in the null case by repeating pMSE calculations on permuations of the indicator column using a CART model. The set of calculations are then summarised using the mean or standard deviation, respectively. Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the combined real and synthetic data. indicator : numpy.ndarray Indicator for whether data are real (0) or synthetic (1). num_perms : int The number of permutations to consider. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to `sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifer`. Returns ------- loc : float Estimated expectation of pMSE in the null case. scale : float Estimated standard deviation of pMSE in the null case. Notes ----- When using a CART propensity model, the number of predictors is unknown and the results used in `_pmse_logr_statistics` do not apply. To circumvent this, taking several permutations should approximate the results for "properly" synthesised data without knowing :math:`k` a priori. Further details of this approach are available in Note that the `random_state` keyword argument is used to (independently) create the permutations and to fit the CART model. Without specifying this, the results will not be reproducible. """ rng = np.random.default_rng(kwargs.get("random_state", None)) pmses = [] for _ in range(num_perms): rng.shuffle(indicator) pmses.append(pmse(combined, indicator, method="cart", **kwargs)) return np.mean(pmses), np.std(pmses) def _pmse_cart_statistics(combined, indicator, num_perms, estimator, **kwargs): """Null statistic estimation for CART-based propensity scores. Estimation can either be carried out using permutations of the combined indicator or via bootstrapping. The former is the original method presented in, while the latter (from improves on this by removing dependence on the synthetic data. Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real and synthetic data. indicator : numpy.ndarray Indicator for whether data are real (0) or synthetic (1). num_perms : int Number of trials to consider in the estimate. estimator : {"perm", "boot"} Which estimation process to use. By default, permutations are used to ensure back-compatibility. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier`. Returns ------- loc : float Estimated expectation of pMSE in the null case. scale : float Estimated standard deviation of pMSE in the null case. Warns ----- FutureWarning The permutation method is flawed and will be removed in a future minor version. See for details. Raises ------ ValueError If the estimation method, `estimator`, is not valid. """ if estimator == "perm": message = ( "The permutation method is flawed and will be removed in a future " "release. Consider using `estimator='boot'` instead." ) warnings.warn(message, FutureWarning) loc, scale = _pmse_cart_stats_perm( combined, indicator, num_perms, **kwargs ) elif estimator == "boot": loc, scale = _pmse_cart_stats_boot( combined, indicator, num_perms, **kwargs ) else: raise ValueError("Estimation method must be `perm` or `boot`.") return loc, scale
[docs]def pmse_ratio( combined, indicator, method, num_perms=None, estimator="perm", **kwargs ): """The propensity score mean-squared error ratio. This is the ratio of observed pMSE to that expected under the null case, i.e. .. math:: ratio(pMSE) = \\frac{pMSE}{E(pMSE)} Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the combined real and synthetic data. indicator : numpy.ndarray Indicator for whether data are real (0) or synthetic (1). method : {"cart", "logr"} Which propensity model to use. Must be either CART (`"cart"`) or logistic regression with first-order interactions (`"logr"`). num_perms : int, optional Number of permutations to consider when estimating the null case statistics with a CART model. estimator : {"perm", "boot"} Which estimation process to use with a CART model. By default, permutations are used to ensure back-compatibility. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the propensity model classifier. Returns ------- float The observed-to-null pMSE ratio. Notes ----- The interpretation of this metric makes more sense for synthetic data. The pMSE alone gives better utility as the value gets closer to zero, which is only attainable when the datasets are identical. However, when generating synthetic data, we do not want to produce identical entries. Rather, we want to achieve similarity between the distributions of the real and synthetic datasets. This ratio tends towards one when this is achieved, and increases otherwise. Note that the `random_state` keyword argument is used to (independently) create the permutations and to fit the model when using a CART model. Without specifying this, the results will not be reproducible. """ observed = pmse(combined, indicator, method, **kwargs) if method == "logr": loc, _ = _pmse_logr_statistics(combined, indicator) if method == "cart": loc, _ = _pmse_cart_statistics( combined, indicator, num_perms, estimator, **kwargs ) return observed / loc
[docs]def pmse_standardised( combined, indicator, method, num_perms=None, estimator="perm", **kwargs ): """The standardised propensity score mean-squared error. This takes the observed pMSE and standardises it against the null case, i.e. .. math:: stand(pMSE) = (pMSE - E(pMSE)) / sd(pMSE) Parameters ---------- combined : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the combined real and synthetic data. indicator : numpy.ndarray Indicator for whether data are real (0) or synthetic (1). method : {"cart", "logr"} Which propensity model to use. Must be either CART (`"cart"`) or logistic regression with first-order interactions (`"logr"`). num_perms : int, optional Number of permutations to consider when estimating the null case statistics with a CART model. estimator : {"perm", "boot"} Which estimation process to use with a CART model. By default, permutations are used to ensure back-compatibility. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the propensity model. Returns ------- float The null-standardised pMSE. Notes ----- The interpretation of this metric makes more sense for synthetic data. The pMSE alone indicates better utility as it gets closer to zero, which is only attainable when the datasets are identical. However, when generating synthetic data, we do not want to produce identical entries. Rather, we want to achieve similarity between the distributions of the real and synthetic datasets. This standardised value tends towards zero when this is achieved, and increases in magnitude otherwise. Note that the `random_state` keyword argument is used to (independently) create the permutations and to fit the model when using a CART model. Without specifying this, the results will not be reproducible. """ observed = pmse(combined, indicator, method, **kwargs) if method == "logr": loc, scale = _pmse_logr_statistics(combined, indicator) if method == "cart": loc, scale = _pmse_cart_statistics( combined, indicator, num_perms, estimator, **kwargs ) return (observed - loc) / scale
[docs]def propensity_metrics( real, synth, method="cart", feats=None, num_perms=20, estimator="perm", **kwargs, ): """Propensity score-based metrics. This function calculates three metrics based on the propensity score mean-squared error (pMSE), all of which quantify utility by measuring the distinguishability of the synthetic data. That is, how readily real and synthetic data can be identified. To do this, the datasets are combined and their origins tracked by a boolean indicator. This combined dataset is then used to fit a binary classification model (CART or logistic regression with first-order interactions) with the indicator as the target. The propensity score for each row is then extracted and summarised to give a metric. The returned metrics are the observed pMSE along with the pMSE ratio and standardised pMSE. These second two metrics are given relative to the null case where the real and synthetic data are produced from identical processes. Parameters ---------- real : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real data. synth : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the synthetic data. method : {"cart", "logr"}, default "cart" Which propensity model to use. Must be either CART (`"cart"`) or logistic regression with first-order interactions (`"logr"`). feats : list of str or None, default None List of features in the dataset to be used in the propensity model. If `None` (default), all common features are used. num_perms : int, default 20 Number of permutations to consider when estimating the null case statistics with a CART model. estimator : {"perm", "boot"} Which estimation process to use with a CART model. By default, permutations are used to ensure back-compatibility. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments passed to the propensity model. Returns ------- observed : float The observed pMSE. standard : float The null-standardised pMSE. ratio : float The observed-null pMSE ratio. Raises ------ ValueError If `method` is not one of `'cart'` or `'logr'`. See Also -------- sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier synthgauge.metrics.propensity.pmse synthgauge.metrics.propensity.pmse_ratio synthgauge.metrics.propensity.pmse_standardised Notes ----- For the CART model, `sklearn.tree.DecisionTreeClassifier` is used. Meanwhile, the logistic regression model uses `sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegression`. Note that the `random_state` keyword argument is used to (independently) create the permutations and to fit the model when using a CART model. Without specifying this, the results will not be reproducible. Details on these metrics can be found at: """ if method not in ("cart", "logr"): raise ValueError( f"Propensity method must be 'cart' or 'logr' not {method}." ) feats = feats or real.columns.intersection(synth.columns) combined, indicator = _combine_encode_and_pop(real[feats], synth[feats]) if method == "logr": loc, scale = _pmse_logr_statistics(combined, indicator) if method == "cart": loc, scale = _pmse_cart_statistics( combined, indicator, num_perms, estimator, **kwargs ) observed = pmse(combined, indicator, method, **kwargs) standard = (observed - loc) / scale ratio = observed / loc PropensityResult = namedtuple( "PropensityResult", ("pmse", "pmse_standardised", "pmse_ratio"), ) return PropensityResult(observed, standard, ratio)
[docs]def specks(real, synth, classifier, **kwargs): """Propensity score comparison via the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance. The SPECKS metric was originally presented in and works as follows: 1. Stack the real and synthetic data, and create a variable indicating whether each record is real (0) or synthetic (1). 2. Calculate the propensity score for each record using a binary classifier on the indicator variable. 3. Compute the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between the empirical CDFs for the real and synthetic propensity scores. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance is defined as the maximum difference between two empirical distributions. Therefore, it is bounded between zero and one. If the synthetic data properly resembles the original data then they will be indistinguishable, leading to close empirical CDFs. Parameters ---------- real : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real data. synth : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the synthetic data. classifier : scikit-learn estimator Any `scikit-learn`-style classifier class with a `predict_proba` method. **kwargs : dict, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `classifer`. Returns ------- float The Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between the real and synthetic propensity score CDFs. Notes ----- The combined dataset is one-hot-encoded before being passed to the classifier so categorical features can be handled. The paper introducing SPECKS has also been published in METRON: """ combined, indicator = _combine_encode_and_pop(real, synth) scores = ( classifier(**kwargs) .fit(combined, indicator) .predict_proba(combined)[:, 1] ) return ks_2samp(scores[indicator == 0], scores[indicator == 1]).statistic