Source code for synthgauge.metrics.nist

"""Functions for the generic measures from the 2018 NIST competition."""

import itertools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

def _numeric_edges(real, synth, bins):
    """Find the bin edges for the numeric features."""

    numeric = real.select_dtypes(include="number").columns.intersection(
    edges = {col: np.histogram_bin_edges(real[col], bins) for col in numeric}

    return edges

def _discretise_datasets(real, synth, bins):
    """Discretise the numeric features of each dataset."""

    rout, sout = real.copy(), synth.copy()
    edges = _numeric_edges(rout, sout, bins)
    for col, edge in edges.items():
        rout.loc[:, col] = pd.cut(rout[col], edge)
        sout.loc[:, col] = pd.cut(sout[col], edge)

    return rout, sout

def _kway_marginal_score(real, synth, features):
    """Get the transformed score for a single set of features.

    Note that the datasets should have their numeric features
    discretised already.

    rmarg = real.groupby(features).size() / len(real)
    smarg = synth.groupby(features).size() / len(synth)

    return 1 - sum(abs(rmarg - smarg)) / 2

[docs]def kway_marginals(real, synth, k=3, trials=100, bins=100, seed=None): r"""A measure based on the similarity of a set of k-way marginals. This measure works as follows: 1. Discretise all numeric features (based on the orignal data). 2. Randomly select `trials` sets of `k` features and calculate the corresponding marginal counts for each dataset. 3. Calculate summed absolute deviation in the counts across all bins and marginal sets. 4. Transform the summed absolute deviations, :math:`s`, to form a set of scores :math:`S = \left[1-s/2 | for each s\right]`. This transformation ensures the scores are in :math:`[0, 1]`. These extremes represent the worst- and best-case scenarios, respectively. 5. Return the mean score. The NIST competition utilised a set of 100 three-way marginals. Details can be found at Parameters ---------- real : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real data. synth : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the synthetic data. k : int, default 3 Number of features to include in each k-way marginal. Default uses 3 (as done in the NIST competition). trials : int, default 100 Maximum number of marginals to consider to estimate the overall score. If there are fewer `k`-way combinations than `trials`, tries all. Default uses 100 (as done in the NIST competition). bins : int or str, default 100 Binning method for sampled numeric features. Can be anything accepted by `numpy.histogram`. Default uses 100 bins (as done in the NIST competition). seed : int or None, default None Random number seed. If `None`, results will not be reproducible. Returns ------- score : float The mean transformed sum absolute deviation in k-way densities. """ disreal, dissynth = _discretise_datasets(real, synth, bins) prng = np.random.default_rng(seed) choices = list( itertools.combinations(real.columns.intersection(synth.columns), r=k) ) marginals = prng.choice( choices, size=min(trials, len(choices)), replace=False ).tolist() scores = [ _kway_marginal_score(disreal, dissynth, marginal) for marginal in marginals ] return np.mean(scores)
def _make_rule(data, row, column, prng): """Given a column, make a rule for it.""" values = data[column].unique() observed = row[column] if pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(values): rule = (observed, prng.uniform(0, values.max() - values.min())) else: rule = {observed} while True: new = prng.choice(values) if new in rule: break rule.add(new) return rule def _create_test_cases(data, trials, prob, seed): """Create a collection of HOC test cases. For each test case, sample a row. Iterate over the columns, including them with some probability and generating them a rule for the test case. This rule is determined by the data type of the column: - Numeric columns use a random subrange from the whole dataset - Categoric columns use a random subset of the elements in the entire dataset Both of these types of rules always include the observed value in the row of the associated column; this means that the test will always be satisfied by at least one row when it comes to evaluation. """ prng = np.random.default_rng(seed) cases = [] for _ in range(trials): row = data.iloc[prng.integers(0, len(data)), :] case = { column: _make_rule(data, row, column, prng) for column in data.columns if prng.random() <= prob } cases.append(case) return cases def _evaluate_test_cases(data, cases): """Evaluate the test cases on a dataset. Each test case's score is set as the proportion of the dataset for which all rules in the test case are satisfied. Each type of rule is satisfied differently: - Numeric rules are satisfied if the observed value lies within the rule's subrange - Categoric rules are satisfied if the observed value lies in the rule's subset """ results = [] for case in cases: result = pd.DataFrame() for col, rule in case.items(): if isinstance(rule, tuple): result[col] = abs(data[col] - rule[0]) <= rule[1] else: result[col] = data[col].isin(rule) results.append(result.min(axis=1).mean()) return results
[docs]def hoc(real, synth, trials=300, prob=0.1, seed=None): r"""A measure based on Higher Order Conjunctions (HOC). This measure compares the relative sizes of randomly selected pools of "similar" rows in the real and synthetic data. This measure of similarity is defined across a set of randomly genereated test cases applied to each dataset. Each test case consists of a set of rules. The :math:`i`-th test calculates the fraction of records satisfying its rules in the real data, :math:`f_{ri}`, and the synthetic, denoted :math:`f_{si}`. Their dissimilarity in test :math:`i` is quantified as: .. math:: d_i = \ln\left(\max(f_{si}, 10^{-6})\right) - \ln(f_{ri}) These dissimilarities are summarised as: .. math:: \Delta = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} d_i^2} where :math:`N` is the number of test cases. Finally, this is transformed to a HOC score: .. math:: HOC = \max \left(0, 1 + \frac{\Delta}{\ln(10^{-3})}\right) This measure is bounded between 0 and 1, indicating whether the datasets are nothing alike or identical based on the test cases, respectively. In the original text this score is multiplied by 1000 to make it human-readable. Full details are available in Parameters ---------- real : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real data. synth : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the synthetic data. trials : int, default 300 Number of test cases to create. Default of 300 as in the competition. prob : float, default 0.1 Probability of any column being included in a test case. Default of 0.1 as in the competition. seed : int or None, default None Random number seed. If `None`, results will not be reproducible. Returns ------- score : float The overall HOC score. Notes ----- It is possible that some test cases will be "empty", i.e. when no columns are selected. In this scenario, the score for that case will be `np.nan` rather than it being resampled. """ cases = _create_test_cases(real, trials, prob, seed) real_scores = _evaluate_test_cases(real, cases) synth_scores = _evaluate_test_cases(synth, cases) dissims = ( np.log(max(si, 1e-6)) - np.log(ri) for ri, si in zip(real_scores, synth_scores) ) delta = np.sqrt(sum(d**2 for d in dissims) / trials) score = max(0, 1 + delta / np.log(1e-3)) return score