Source code for synthgauge.metrics.correlation

"""Correlation-based utility metrics."""

import itertools

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import chi2_contingency

def _mean_squared_difference(x, y):
    """Calculate the mean-squared difference (error) between two numeric
    objects or two arrays."""

    return np.nanmean((np.array(x) - np.array(y)) ** 2)

def _cramers_v(var1, var2):
    """Cramer's V.

    Measures the association between two nominal categorical variables.

    var1 : pandas.Series
        Measurements for the first variable.
    var2 : pandas.Series
        Measurements for the second variable.

        The association between the two variables.

    Wikipedia suggests that this formulation of Cramer's V tends to
    overestimate the strength of an association and poses a corrected
    version. However, since we are only concerned with how associations
    compare and not what the actual values are, we continue to use this
    simpler version.

    confusion = np.array(pd.crosstab(var1, var2))
    chi2, *_ = chi2_contingency(confusion, correction=False)

    return np.sqrt((chi2 / np.sum(confusion)) / (min(confusion.shape) - 1))

def _pairwise_cramers_v(data):
    """Compute pairwise Cramer's V for the columns of `data`."""

    results = []
    for x, y in itertools.product(data.columns, repeat=2):
        results.append(_cramers_v(data[x], data[y]))

    size = data.shape[1]
    results = np.array(results).reshape((size, size))

    return pd.DataFrame(results, index=data.columns, columns=data.columns)

[docs]def correlation_msd(real, synth, method="pearson", feats=None): """Mean-squared difference in correlation coefficients. This metric calculates the mean squared difference between the correlation matrices for the real and synthetic datasets. This gives an indication of how well the synthetic data has retained bivariate relationships. Parameters ---------- real : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real data. synth : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the synthetic data. method : {"pearson", "spearman", "cramers_v"}, default "pearson" feats : list of str or None, default None Features to measure correlation across. If `method="cramers_v"`, all numeric columns will be filtered out. Likewise, for the other correlation methods, all non-numeric columns are removed. If `None` (default), all common features that satisfy the needs of `method` are used. Returns ------- float Mean-squared difference of correlation coefficients. See Also -------- numpy.corrcoef Notes ----- The smaller the number this function returns, the better the synthetic data captures the correlation between variables in the real data. This method is therefore good for comparing multiple synthetic datasets to see which is closest to the real. However, as this is not a test, there is no threshold value below which we can claim the datasets are statistically the same. We only consider the coefficients above the main diagonal when calculating the MSD. If we included the entire matrix, we would double-count each pair of features as well as including the trivial ones along the main diagonal. """ feats = feats or real.columns.intersection(synth.columns) if method == "cramers_v": real = real[feats].select_dtypes(exclude="number") synth = synth[feats].select_dtypes(exclude="number") rcorr, scorr = _pairwise_cramers_v(real), _pairwise_cramers_v(synth) else: real = real[feats].select_dtypes(include="number") synth = synth[feats].select_dtypes(include="number") rcorr, scorr = real.corr(method=method), synth.corr(method=method) idxs = np.triu(np.ones(len(rcorr)), k=1).astype(bool) rcorr, scorr = rcorr.where(idxs), scorr.where(idxs) return _mean_squared_difference(rcorr, scorr)
def _correlation_ratio(categorical, continuous): """Categorical-continuous correlation ratio. Calculates the correlation ratio for categorical-continuous association. Describes the possibility of deducing the corresponding category for a given continuous value. Missing values are not permitted in either series. Any rows with a missing value are dropped from both series before calculating the ratio. Returns a value in the range [0, 1] where 0 means a category can not be determined given a continuous measurement and 1 means it can with absolute certainty. Parameters ---------- categorical : pandas.Series Categorical feature measurements. continuous : pandas.Series Continuous feature measurements. Returns ------- float The categorical-continuous association ratio. Notes ----- See for details. """ combined = pd.concat((categorical, continuous), axis=1).dropna() categorical, continuous = combined.values.T categories = np.unique(categorical) category_means = np.zeros(len(categories)) category_counts = np.zeros(len(categories)) for i, cat in enumerate(categories): cts_in_cat = continuous[categorical == cat] category_means[i] = np.mean(cts_in_cat) category_counts[i] = len(cts_in_cat) total_mean = np.mean(continuous) numerator = np.sum(category_counts * ((category_means - total_mean) ** 2)) denominator = np.sum((continuous - total_mean) ** 2) return np.sqrt(numerator / denominator)
[docs]def correlation_ratio_msd(real, synth, categorical=None, numeric=None): """Correlation ratio mean-squared difference. This metric calculates the mean-squared difference in association between categorical and continuous feature pairings in the real and synthetic datasets. Parameters ---------- real : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the real data. synth : pandas.DataFrame Dataframe containing the synthetic data. categorical : list of str or None, default None Categorical features in `real` and `synth` to include in comparison. If `None` (default), uses all common object-type columns. numeric : list of str or None, default None Numerical features in `real` and `synth` to include in comparison. If `None` (default), uses all common columns not selected by `categorical`. Returns ------- float Mean squared difference between `real` and `synth` in correlation ratio scores across all categorical-continuous feature pairs. """ common = real.columns.intersection(synth.columns) categorical = ( categorical or real[common].select_dtypes(include=("object", "category")).columns ) numeric = numeric or common.difference(categorical) real_corr_ratio, synth_corr_ratio = [], [] for cat_feat, num_feat in itertools.product(categorical, numeric): real_corr_ratio.append( _correlation_ratio(real[cat_feat], real[num_feat]) ) synth_corr_ratio.append( _correlation_ratio(synth[cat_feat], synth[num_feat]) ) return _mean_squared_difference(real_corr_ratio, synth_corr_ratio)