3. SOC classifier

Demonstration notebook for the ClassificationLLM with Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes.

Code: Import methods and initialise
from sic_soc_llm import setup_logging
from sic_soc_llm.llm import ClassificationLLM

logger = setup_logging("soc_classifier")

The example SOC classifier uses a one-shot prompt to classify respondent’s data. In particular, there is no retrieval step (to reduce the list of candidate codes) and the whole condensed index is included in the prompt. Note that the soc_demo_llm should be replaced with the LLM of your choice.

Code: Initialise the SOC classifier
soc_llm = ClassificationLLM(llm=soc_demo_llm)

Example SOC classifications

Load a few examples of possible survey responses and classify them using the SOC classifier.

Code: Input and classify examples
soc_examples = [
        "job_title": "barman",
        "job_description": "barman at local golf club",
        "employer_activities": "golf club",
        "job_title": "hotel night manager",
        "job_description": """hight potter reception closing documents
            breakfast preparation""",
        "employer_activities": "hotel",
        "job_title": "functional consultant",
        "job_description": "provide cnsultancy on system configuration",
        "employer_activities": "technology provide deliver enterprise software",
        "job_title": "senior airport services agent",
        "job_description": "customer service",
        "employer_activities": "airline",
        "job_title": "PEIRIANYDD",
        "job_description": "TRWSHIO",
        "employer_activities": "TRIN PERIANAU",

for item in soc_examples:
    # Get response from LLM
    response = soc_llm.get_soc_code(

    # Print the output
    for v, w in item.items():
        print(f"  {v}: {w}")

    for x,y  in response.__dict__.items():
        print (f"  {x}: {y}")
  job_title: barman
  job_description: barman at local golf club
  employer_activities: golf club

  codable: True
  followup: None
  soc_code: 9265
  soc_descriptive: Bar staff
  soc_candidates: [SocCandidate(soc_code='9265', soc_descriptive='Bar staff', likelihood=1.0)]
  soc_code_2digits: 92
  reasoning: The job title 'barman' and the job description 'barman at local golf club' clearly indicate that the respondent's job involves serving drinks at a bar, which aligns with the SOC code 9265 for 'Bar staff'.


  job_title: hotel night manager
  job_description: hight potter reception closing documents
            breakfast preparation
  employer_activities: hotel

  codable: True
  followup: None
  soc_code: 1221
  soc_descriptive: Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors
  soc_candidates: [SocCandidate(soc_code='1221', soc_descriptive='Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors', likelihood=1.0)]
  soc_code_2digits: 12
  reasoning: The job title 'hotel night manager' and the company's main activity being a hotel aligns with the SOC code 1221 for 'Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietors'. The job description, although unclear, seems to involve duties that could be associated with this role.


  job_title: functional consultant
  job_description: provide cnsultancy on system configuration
  employer_activities: technology provide deliver enterprise software

  codable: False
  followup: Could you please provide more details about your daily tasks and responsibilities in this role?
  soc_code: None
  soc_descriptive: None
  soc_candidates: [SocCandidate(soc_code='2139', soc_descriptive='Information technology professionals n.e.c.', likelihood=0.7)]
  soc_code_2digits: 21
  reasoning: The job title 'functional consultant' and the job description 'provide consultancy on system configuration' suggest a role in IT consultancy. However, more specific information about the tasks and responsibilities of the role is needed to assign a more accurate SOC code.


  job_title: senior airport services agent
  job_description: customer service
  employer_activities: airline

  codable: True
  followup: None
  soc_code: 6213
  soc_descriptive: Air travel assistants
  soc_candidates: [SocCandidate(soc_code='6213', soc_descriptive='Air travel assistants', likelihood=0.9)]
  soc_code_2digits: 62
  reasoning: The job title 'senior airport services agent' and the job description 'customer service' in the context of an airline company suggest that the respondent's role involves assisting passengers and providing customer service in an airport setting. This aligns with the SOC code 6213 for 'Air travel assistants'.


  job_title: PEIRIANYDD
  job_description: TRWSHIO
  employer_activities: TRIN PERIANAU

  codable: False
  followup: Could you please provide more specific information about your job responsibilities and the nature of the materials you work with?
  soc_code: None
  soc_descriptive: None
  soc_candidates: [SocCandidate(soc_code='2125', soc_descriptive='Production and Process Engineers', likelihood=0.5), SocCandidate(soc_code='2122', soc_descriptive='Mechanical Engineers', likelihood=0.5)]
  soc_code_2digits: 21
  reasoning: The job title translates to 'Engineer' and the company's main activity involves 'Processing Materials'. This could correspond to several engineering roles within the '21' SOC code category, but without more specific information, it is not possible to determine the exact SOC code.
