
Data Wrangling with R

Version 1.0

Course Summary

Data wrangling covers the basics of setting up a project in R, importing and exporting data from different file formats, tidying and quality checking data, reshaping data, and working with dates and times using lubridate.

Learning Outcome


Lead Developer

Laurie Baker

Course Reviewer(s)


Intended Audience


Learning Objective

Participants will:-

Course Type

Skill Level


Pre requisite summary

Introduction to R

Slides and Exercises

Cowboy wrangling messy data with a lasso

Artwork by @AllisonHorst

Course Instructions

Access the Course website on Github Pages.

Follow the independent learning tutorial. Or the slides and complete the exercises.

To view the presenter notes in the slides, type ā€˜pā€™. If you would like to edit or adapt the slides you will need to install the package Xaringan and follow the instructions in the link.