transport_performance documentation

A Python package bringing together open-source data, tools, and research to make transport network analyses more simple, reproducible, and consistent for everyone.

What is transport_performance?

The performance of transport networks are highly variable throughout and between countries. There is often a lack of consistent and comparable data which can make it difficult to understand these differences. This is typically because of computational complexity, transparency (closed-source and paid services), and data consistency (format and availability).

The transport_performance Python package helps to reduce barriers to transport analysis. It allows developers to:


Check out the transport performance Docker image 🐳! This aims to simplify the dependency installation and end-to-end use of transport_performance.

Where do I go now?

These docs are structured in accordance with the Diátaxis framework:


Want to get up and running with transport_performance quickly?

Getting Started


Need more details on the methods/tools used within transport_performance?



Looking for guidance on how to get something done (e.g. find input data)?



Interested in learning how to use transport_performance by examples?



Requiring a technical reference covering the transport_performance API?

API reference


Want to contribute to the development of transport_performance?


Notes on contributing…

We hope that the open source and public sector communities will collaborate and build on this package. This will help improve both the national and international comparability of transport statistics while enabling higher frequency and more timely comparisons. You can find the transport_performance source code on GitHub.