LLM based classification

Classification module

Large Language Model based classification main handlers.

embedding.EmbeddingHandler Handles embedding operations for the Chroma vector store.
llm.ClassificationLLM Wraps the logic for using an LLM to classify respondent’s data
prompt.PromptTemplates Class to store prompt templates for SOC and SIC classification tasks.

Response models

SocCandidate Represents a candidate SOC code based on provided job title and description.
SocResponse Represents a response model for SOC code assignment.
SicCandidate Represents a candidate SIC code with associated information.
SicResponse Represents a response model for SIC code assignment.
RagCandidate Represents a candidate classification code with associated information.
RagResponse Represents a response model for classification code assignment.

SIC Index Abstraction

Data models to represent Standard Industry Classiffication

SIC Main class for SIC lookups.
SicCode Standard Industrial Classification code.
SicNode Tree data structure where the nodes hold all data associated with a given SIC.

SIC metadata

sic_meta_model.ClassificationMeta Represents a classification meta model.
sicDB.SicMeta SIC Meta data model class for SIC codes and their descriptions


Config and Log utils

setup_logging Set up console and file logging.
get_config Fetch the configuration.
check_file_exists Check if the file exists.