Installing the package

Instructions for the various ways you can install the census21api package

Currently, the census21api package is only installable through GitHub. We also require Python 3.8 or higher.

Installing from GitHub via pip

To install from GitHub via pip, use the following command:

$ python -m pip install census21api@git+

Installing from source

If you would prefer to install directly from source, use the following commands:

$ git clone
$ cd census21api
$ python -m pip install .

Installing to contribute

If you intend on doing any sort of development on census21api - like writing documentation or implementing a new feature - it is highly recommended to install from source as editable and with the development dependencies.

To do so, make a fork of the repository and then run the following:

$ git clone<your-username>/census21api.git
$ cd census21api
$ python -m pip install -e ".[dev]"