Getting started

A typical workflow of retrieving some metadata and a table from the API

In this tutorial, we go over the sort of interaction a user will usually have with the package: querying the API for some metadata and a getting a table.

Making a connection

We begin by importing the CensusAPI class from the package and creating an instance of it. This class is how we connect to the custom table creator API.

from census21api import CensusAPI

api = CensusAPI()

Defining a query

To query a table, we need to identify our population type, area type, and dimensions to form our query parameters.

Let’s say we want the counts for different levels of deprivation between the sexes at a national level. Deprivation statistics are recorded at the household level.

So, our parameters are:

  • population type: usual residents in households
  • area type: national
  • dimensions: sex and deprivation

Finding column names

There are a few columns relating to deprivation in the API.

We could go through the dictionary census21api.constants.DIMENSIONS_BY_POPULATION_TYPE to look for the relevant ones, but they might not be all that descriptive.

Instead, we can retrieve the information from the API:

population_type = "UR_HH"

metadata = api.query_feature(population_type, "dimensions")
id label description total_count quality_statement_text population_type
21 hh_deprivation Household deprivation (6 categories) The dimensions of deprivation used to classify... 6 Caution should be used in interpreting this va... UR_HH
22 hh_deprivation_education Household deprived in the education dimension ... A household is classified as deprived in the e... 3 UR_HH
23 hh_deprivation_employment Household deprived in the employment dimension... A household is classified as deprived in the e... 3 UR_HH
24 hh_deprivation_health Household deprived in the health and disabilit... A household is classified as deprived in the h... 3 UR_HH
25 hh_deprivation_housing Household deprived in the housing dimension (3... A household is classified as deprived in the h... 3 UR_HH

After inspecting this data frame, it looks like hh_deprivation suits our purposes - it’s an aggregate count of all the deprivation indicators.

Retrieving a table

With that information, we can use our CensusAPI instance to retrieve the corresponding table from the API using its query_table() method:

area_type = "nat"
dimensions = ("sex", "hh_deprivation")

table = api.query_table(population_type, area_type, dimensions, use_id=False)
nat sex hh_deprivation count population_type
0 England and Wales Female Does not apply 0 UR_HH
1 England and Wales Female Household is not deprived in any dimension 14536007 UR_HH
2 England and Wales Female Household is deprived in one dimension 9928414 UR_HH
3 England and Wales Female Household is deprived in two dimensions 4269937 UR_HH
4 England and Wales Female Household is deprived in three dimensions 1087182 UR_HH
5 England and Wales Female Household is deprived in four dimensions 70177 UR_HH
6 England and Wales Male Does not apply 0 UR_HH
7 England and Wales Male Household is not deprived in any dimension 14375435 UR_HH
8 England and Wales Male Household is deprived in one dimension 9265887 UR_HH
9 England and Wales Male Household is deprived in two dimensions 3854022 UR_HH
10 England and Wales Male Household is deprived in three dimensions 1089564 UR_HH
11 England and Wales Male Household is deprived in four dimensions 79227 UR_HH

And we’re done - we have retrieved our table and we can go on to analyse it in whichever way we see fit.