assess-gtfs documentation

A Python package allowing inspection, validation and filtering of General Transit Feed Specification.

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What is assess-gtfs?

General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a common data format for public transit information. GTFS is a prerequisite for undertaking routing with public transit schedules.

The assess-gtfs Python package helps to reduce barriers to understanding the service distribution within GTFS. More specifically, it enables developers to inspect, clean and process GTFS for more efficient, localised routing analysis.

The History of assess-gtfs

assess-gtfs started out life as a module in the ONS Data Science Campus’ transport_performance package. assess-gtfs is built upon and inspired by the excellent gtfs_kit package. assess-gtfs was needed to process and inspect GTFS data prior to building transport networks with the r5py package. Building valid transit networks with the output of our GTFS processing pipelines has been the primary user requirement during development.

Where do I go now?

These docs are structured in accordance with the Diátaxis framework:


Want to get up and running with assess-gtfs quickly?

Getting Started


Need more details on the methods/tools used within assess-gtfs?



Looking for guidance on how to get something done (e.g. find input data)?



Interested in learning how to use assess-gtfs by examples?



Requiring a technical reference covering the assess-gtfs API?

API reference


Want to contribute to the development of assess-gtfs?


Notes on contributing…

We hope that the open source and public sector communities will collaborate and build on this package. You can find the assess-gtfs source code on GitHub.