Chapter 1- Exploratory Data Analysis

1 Introduction

Exploratory data analysis is a fluid process and there is no single approach. It can be thought of a process of hypothesis generation, data exploration, and formal statistical testing. It comes after the stage of importing and tidying your data.

In this section we will walk through organising your data, getting to know your data structure, and understanding variation and covariation within and between variables.

For these exercises we will use a simulated dataset of departmental salaries, which consists of the salaries of professors in 5 departments: english, informatics, statistics, biology, and sociology.

1.0.1 Packages for this adventure

import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # tabular data processing
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # data plotting
import seaborn as sns # data visualisation and plotting

# Set a style'ggplot')

# set the custom size for my graphs

# supress warnings due to different versions of packages
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

# set plots to show inline
%matplotlib inline

1.0.2 Tidying your data

To conduct regression analyses in python it is important to have your data in a format that is easy to work with. A good approach is to organise your data in a “tidy” format.

Tidy data is a set of values, where each value is placed in its own “cell”, each variable in its own column, and each observation in its own row. Although this course is on Statistics in Python, the book R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham is a great resource when thinking about tidying data. Here, we use some of the definitions they set out in the book to describe tidy data.

Some definitions for tidy data:

  • A variable is a quantity, quality, or property that you can measure.

  • A value is the state of a variable when you measure it. The value of a variable may change from measurement to measurement.

  • An observation is a set of measurements made under similar conditions (you usually make all of the measurements in an observation at the same time and on the same object). An observation will contain several values, each associated with a different variable.

  • In python, the pandas package makes it easy to format your data in a tabular format.

Reading in the data

# read in the salary data
salaries = pd.read_csv("../data/faculty-data.csv") 
# looking at the head of the dataframe
ids department bases experience raises salary
0 1 sociology 39012.062997 3 2122.325646 45379.039935
1 2 biology 51872.123941 9 541.643975 56746.919719
2 3 english 64341.126468 3 543.178641 65970.662390
3 4 informatics 68975.266754 2 1736.946839 72449.160433
4 5 statistics 78262.278702 9 469.943148 82491.767032


Our salary data consists of the salaries of individual professors from 5 departments within the University: english, informatics, statistics, biology, and sociology. The data contains the following variables

  • ids = individual id
  • department = university department
  • bases = the starting salary
  • experience = years of experience
  • raises = raise per year
  • salary = current salary

We’re interested in exploring the relationship between years of experience and salary, but first we need to get to know our data a bit better.

  1. Looking at the definitions for value, observation, and variable, give an example of each term from the salary data.

1.1 Getting to know your data

To get started, let’s explore the following questions for our dataset.

  1. What is the structure of the data?

  2. What type of variation occurs within my variables?

  3. What type of covariation occurs between my variables?

1.1.1 Data Structure and Data Summaries

One of the things we will wish to know about our variables are whether they are continuous or categorical.

Continuous values include weight and height. Categorical variables are discrete things, like the number of octopus legs. Image Credit: @AllisonHorst.

  • Continuous variable: a variable that can take on an unlimited number of values between the lowest and highest points of measurements.
    • e.g. speed, distance, height
  • Categorical variable can take one of a limited subset of values. For example, if you have a dataset about a household then you will typically find variables like employment sector, marriage status, and country.
    • In python, categorical variables are usually stored as character strings or integers (e.g. ‘Industry’ and ‘Academia’ for types of employment sector).
    • Categorical variables are nominal if they have no order (e.g. ‘Ghana’ and ‘Uruguay’)
    • Categorical variables are ordinal if there is an order associated with them (e.g. ‘low’, ‘medium’, and ‘high’ referring to economic status).

As we start to think about our data and the types of variables we are working with, we recommend reading Chapter 4: “What Gets Counted Counts” of Data Feminism by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein. The book encourages us to rethink binaries and examine classification systems in data science.


What are the dimensions of the dataframe?

# the shape attribute returns the dimensions of the dataframe
(100, 6)


What are the first and last values of salary?

# the head method shows us the first 5 rows

ids department bases experience raises salary
0 1 sociology 39012.062997 3 2122.325646 45379.039935
1 2 biology 51872.123941 9 541.643975 56746.919719
2 3 english 64341.126468 3 543.178641 65970.662390
3 4 informatics 68975.266754 2 1736.946839 72449.160433
4 5 statistics 78262.278702 9 469.943148 82491.767032
# the tail method shows us the last 5 rows

ids department bases experience raises salary
95 96 sociology 42107.716434 8 1957.880086 57770.757125
96 97 biology 49774.735037 5 470.338273 52126.426402
97 98 english 60919.523254 3 502.197549 62426.115902
98 99 informatics 63809.889673 7 1641.660044 75301.509985
99 100 statistics 84420.476008 3 537.931883 86034.271658


Which variables are categorical or continuous variables? What are these data types called in Python?

# the info method will tell us about our data frame, including how many observations per column and the type of data.
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 100 entries, 0 to 99
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------      --------------  -----  
 0   ids         100 non-null    int64  
 1   department  100 non-null    object 
 2   bases       100 non-null    float64
 3   experience  100 non-null    int64  
 4   raises      100 non-null    float64
 5   salary      100 non-null    float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 4.8+ KB

We often see type: object in pandas, this section of the package user guide explains why this is.


Using the data summary, what is the minimum and maximum salary?

# the describe method gives us a summary of the numerical data and the spread of values

ids bases experience raises salary
count 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000 100.000000
mean 50.500000 60226.029444 4.820000 1033.461045 65448.393841
std 29.011492 14240.030985 2.889829 671.385251 13219.178125
min 1.000000 37246.936522 0.000000 450.600025 42827.156913
25% 25.750000 48071.305546 3.000000 481.551932 54745.711028
50% 50.500000 59431.965403 5.000000 540.378028 62375.126164
75% 75.250000 72671.300340 7.250000 1741.022583 78631.780911
max 100.000000 87009.876061 9.000000 2177.423176 91342.489460


What are the names of the columns?

# the columns attribute returns the column names

Index(['ids', 'department', 'bases', 'experience', 'raises', 'salary'], dtype='object')


Do we have any missing data? How many missing values do we have per variable?

# the isna() method returns missing values and the sum() method adds them up.

ids           0
department    0
bases         0
experience    0
raises        0
salary        0
dtype: int64

We can only find missing values when we have told the dataframe what to count as missing data. Sometimes our data may contain unrecognised or other custom values that signify missing values. If this happens we need to overwrite these values as missing values.


What are the unique departments in our dataset?

# the unique() method returns the distinct values in a column.

array(['sociology', 'biology', 'english', 'informatics', 'statistics'],


Do we have any duplicates in our data?

# the duplicated() method returns duplicates, the sum() method adds them up for us.


Note that if we wanted to filter out duplicates we can use .drop_duplicates(). Although, in this dataset we don’t have duplicates.

# you can filter out the duplicates using the drop_duplicates method.

ids department bases experience raises salary
0 1 sociology 39012.062997 3 2122.325646 45379.039935
1 2 biology 51872.123941 9 541.643975 56746.919719
2 3 english 64341.126468 3 543.178641 65970.662390
3 4 informatics 68975.266754 2 1736.946839 72449.160433
4 5 statistics 78262.278702 9 469.943148 82491.767032
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 96 sociology 42107.716434 8 1957.880086 57770.757125
96 97 biology 49774.735037 5 470.338273 52126.426402
97 98 english 60919.523254 3 502.197549 62426.115902
98 99 informatics 63809.889673 7 1641.660044 75301.509985
99 100 statistics 84420.476008 3 537.931883 86034.271658

100 rows × 6 columns

2 Variation

Now we know more about the structure of our data we can explore the variation and covariation in the variables. Knowing the variation and covariation between variables can help us to understand the spread of the data and potential relationships in the data that may give insight into modelling.

  • variation: is the tendency of values of a variable to change from measurement to measurement. Variation can come in several forms:
    • measurement error: you may measure the same thing twice and get slightly different values.
    • natural variation: is the term I use to refer to variation that is inherent in a population or sample (e.g. as humans we all have different heights, the way these values vary reflect the variation in the sample or population).
  • covariation: tendency of values of a variable to change with the values of another variable.

Visualisation is a great initial tool to explore these relationships further.

2.1 Visualising Distributions

How you visualise your variables depends on if the variable is categorical or continuous.

A categorical variable

To examine the distribution of a categorical variable, we can use a bar plot:

# We can use the countplot method to create a bar chart.
# We need to specify the variable to plot, department, and the data: salaries.

department_counts = sns.countplot(x="department",

In this case, the bar chart shows that there are the same number of individuals who we have salary data for per department in the data set. A continuous variable * A continuous variable can take any of an infinite set of ordered values (e.g. numbers and date times). We can inspect the spread of the data using a density plot or box plot.

# We can use the distplot method to make a plot of the distribution.
# We again specify the variable to plot, salary.
# We can customise the plot using several parameters
# to include a histogram or not, e.g. hist=False
# to plot a Gaussian kernel density e.g. kde=True
# to customise the appearance of the plot, kde_kws,
# including keyword arguments for underlying plotting functions like shade.

salary_all_distplot = sns.distplot(salaries['salary'],
                                   kde_kws={'shade': True,
                                            'linewidth': 3})

# We can then set the xlabel and ylabel for the plot using the method set()

C:\Users\tbalb\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_19872\ UserWarning:

`distplot` is a deprecated function and will be removed in seaborn v0.14.0.

Please adapt your code to use either `displot` (a figure-level function with
similar flexibility) or `kdeplot` (an axes-level function for kernel density plots).

For a guide to updating your code to use the new functions, please see

If we look at the distribution of salary, something interesting seems to be happening. It appears that the distribution is bimodal meaning that there are two modes, in this case two maxima (around 55,000 USD and 80,000 USD), in the data.

Let’s explore the data in more detail by plotting the salary by department

# We can explore the distribution of salaries broken down by department
# Each of the distributions are slightly different shaped
# There are clear groupings between different departments

sns.displot(data=salaries, x='salary', hue='department', kind='kde')

3 Covariation

A continuous and categorical variable

# Using the boxplot function to create a boxplot. 
# To create this plot we need to specify the y variable (continuous)
# and the x variable (categorical)

salary_boxplot = sns.boxplot(data=salaries, 

# Using the violinplot function to create a violin plot.
# To create this plot we need to specify the y variable (continuous)
# and the x variable (categorical)

salary_violin = sns.violinplot(data=salaries,

Violin plots are similar to box plots, but they also show the probability density of the data at different values, usually smoothed by a kernel density estimator.

Two continuous variables

Plotting two continuous variables, we can see how they change in relation to eachother. In these plots we are looking to see whether there is a

Spot the third variable? Is it categorical or continuous?

# Using the scatterplot function to create a scatterplot. 
# To create this plot we need to specify the x and y variable (both continuous).
# Which variable we put on which axis depends on the relationship we are exploring.
# Typically this is how does y change with x. The relationship is often causal  
# In this case, how does the salary vary with experience? 
# It is reasonable to think that someone's salary increases with experience
# rather than someone's experience increasing with salary.
# We can also specify the colour using hue.

salary_experience = sns.scatterplot(data=salaries, 


Make a box plot or a violin plot of experience by department.

%load "./Solutions/"


  1. Make a scatterplot to visualise the relationship between base salary bases and raises raises coloured by department. What patterns can you pick out from the data?
%load "./Solutions/"
  1. Pairplots can be a quick and useful way to summarise your dataset quickly and to inspect the relationships simultaneously.Trying running the following code to make a pairplot. What does this code do?

  2. Using SHIFT + TAB to look at the documentation, what other options can you choose for the diagonal plot (diag_kind)?

# Using the method pairplot we can explore all variables in our data set.
# We need to specify the data, and we can add a colour with the hue parameter.
# We can choose what plot is on the diagonal using the parameter diag_kind 
# (e.g. kde for Gaussian kernel density) like the one we made using distplot. 

salaries_pairplot = sns.pairplot(data=salaries, 

Exploratory Data Analysis is a useful tool to identify and pick out patterns to explore, but we need to confirm any results with statistical analyses.